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Succeed Against The Odds

Jan 8, 2018

It sometimes seems as if there are those of us who are inherently great at networking and marketing themselves and those of us who just aren’t. We may look at our peers and think, “wow, if only I could put myself out there like that, I would be able to grow my business to its full potential”. Well, it may come as a surprise when we actually discuss this with our fellow businesswomen and realize they weren’t born with this amazing talent but rather had to work extremely hard to overcome their issues and even master it. This was the case when I spoke with referral and marketing expert  Sue Clement during this week’s interview.

Sue Clement is one of those businesswomen you really want to converse with. She's friendly and helpful on top of extremely successful in her field. The Sue Clement you may know today, the one with multiple books and varied success in different areas such as networking and marketing, was not simply born this way. She had to work from being a shy young woman just starting out with her start-up to a masterful networker who would go on to sell her business for 5 million dollars.

This episode is not only filled with Sue’s amazing story of how she became the success she is. Throughout our interview, she graciously gives tip after tip on marketing, networking, and gaining referrals. Sue made it clear that she wanted to share this knowledge she had to learn the hard way so that others could use it and gain even more success. 

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